How long will it take to get pregnant?
It’s difficult to say exactly how long it will take any couple to get pregnant. Factors such as your age, general and reproductive health, and when you have intercourse all impact your chances of conceiving a child. Statically normally fertile couples have a 25 percent chance of getting pregnant each cycle, and a cumulative pregnancy rate of 75 to 85 percent over the course of one year. It may still take more than a year for healthy couples to get pregnant.
What love making positions are the best for conceiving?
Many experts suspect that the missionary position (man on top) affords the best opportunity for baby-making, though no definitive studies have been done. This position allows for the deepest penetration and, as a result, places sperm closer to the cervix. Some experts also believe that a woman can further increase the likelihood of conception by remaining in bed for up to half an hour following intercourse, preferably on her back and with a pillow under her pelvic region. In theory, this provides the sperm with additional travel time up to the Fallopian tube along with help from the forces of gravity.
What are the worst love making positions for conceiving?
Experts recommend that you avoid having sex while sitting, standing,or with the female on top. These positions defy gravity and may discourage the upward mobility of sperm.
What is the best time to make love to increase the chances of getting pregnant?
To increase your chances of getting pregnant, you need to make love during your fertile period, near the time of ovulation. Some couples start with the calendar: If your periods are very regular, you can pinpoint a likely time of ovulation by counting backward from the date you expect your next period. You need to know the length of your cycle, which can be anywhere from 24 to 36 days long. You will ovulate from 12 to 16 days before your period begins. You should time having sexual intercourse during the period spanning 72 hours before ovulation to about 24 hours afterward. The reason for this is that sperm can live for 72 hours, but an egg survives no more than 24 hours after ovulation. Unless fertilization occurs.
Do your hips get wider after pregnancy?
No, but your feet may. A lot of pregnant women find that their shoe size grows by a half or even one full size, and stays that way even after the baby’s born.
What product should I use to prevent stretch marks?
There are all kinds of expensive creams available, but — in spite of their claims — they can’t prevent stretch marks. That’s because stretch marks are an alteration in the deeper connective tissue, which makes them untreatable with topical creams. You can try using A-vitamin cream for fading the marks and moisturizing creams with vitamin E added for keeping the skin more supple.
When trying to conceive, should I reduce exercising?
There is no reason to do so. The only reason to cut down on exercising would be if you’re exercising so much and eating so little that you’re not menstruating and not getting enough energy to keep you body functioning properly.
What about using alcohol, drugs or smoking when pregnant or when trying to conceive?
Smoking, illicit drug use and alcohol use are never save during pregnancy. These substances increase your risk of having a miscarriage, a baby with birth defects or a premature baby. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a VERY serious problem during pregnancy so stopping during conceiving is important. Children whose parents smoke have a greater chance of dying from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and they also have more colds and ear infections while growing up. If you use alcohol and drugs during pregnancy, it can affect you child’s ability to learn and can even result in mental retardation.
How do I know when I’m ovulating?
Figure out when your next period is due to begin and count back 12 to 16 days. This will give you a range of days when you will probably be ovulating (for women with a 28-day cycle, the 14th day is often the one). To use this method, you must know how long your cycle usually lasts. You can also buy one of these ovulation predictor kits to help you determine when you are ovulation and what are most fertile days of the month for you.
How much weight will I gain?
How much you should gain during your pregnancy depends on your height and how much you weighed before you conceived. If you are underweight your pregnancy weight gain should be 28-40 pounds; if you are at a normal weight for your height, you should gain about 25-35 pounds; if you are overweight you should gain about 15-25 pounds; and if you are obese you should gain about 15 pounds. Check with your doctor for the appropriate weight gain for your type of body.
See the BabiesDirect Online Weight Gain Chart