We, the Parents Direct Team are advocates of important parenting and are strictly for the safety of all children. We have written this “Assistant” to assist parents in making the right decisions towards the use of the World Wide Web (Internet). We would like to offer the best advice for parenting and children WEB surfers. As parents we promote children using the World Wide Web (Internet) for the wealth of knowledge available, but would like to warn parents about the use of “the media”. The“Assistant” is written with all kids in mind and believe they will benefit tremendously from the excellent information to forth come. All conclusions in this Online “Assistant” are our own.
Throughout history, we the human race, have learned that newspapers, magazines, national news programs on TV have educated us on some influential lessons when it comes to our children:
- First, above mentioned media has a very large influence on our kids.
- Second, without strong attention to media articles, issues and TV programs, children’s best interests are sometimes not in the minds of these media advocators. These are important lessons to learn today, as a new information channel is being formed.