BabiesDirect's Ovulation Calculator
Enter in the dates of the first day of your last three menstrual periods. (If you can not remember these three dates, then enter in the first day of your last menstrual period.) 
The Start Date of your last menstrual period:
Based on the average menstrual cycle of 28 days, your preceding menstrual period was on: (if this is incorrect, and you know the date feel free to change the date calculated below)
You previous menstrual period before the above:
For even more accurate calculation a preceding date is needed: (if this is incorrect, and you know the date feel free to change the date calculated below)
Preceding menstrual period:
(Around 3 months ago)

Your menstrual cycle is approximately:

 days long

Date of next menstrual cycle should be:


When am I Fertile:
On this Date you START your highest fertility:
On this Date you END your highest fertility: Ovulation Date
REMEMBER: These dates given here are estimates

CAUTION : This calendar should not be used to prevent pregnancy.

Source: Copyright (c) 1996 - 2002, WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved