Taking Care of Your Newborn
- Self-Quieting Test
- Holding Your Baby Safely
- Sore breasts
- Changing Diapers
- Circumcision
- Sleeping Habits
- Bathing Your Baby
- Crying
- Colic
- Earache
- Baby Games
- Clothing: Keeping Your Baby Warm
- Newborns and Pets
- Car Safety
- Choosing Daycare
- Marilyn’s Q & A for Infants
- Breastfeeding – see our Ultimate Breastfeeding Guide
- Feeding Solid Foods
- Safe Eating Tips
- Cooking for Your Baby
- Finger Foods
- Foods to Avoid
- Food that can Cause Allergic Reactions
- Is My Baby’s Weight Normal?
Hold, cuddle, talk to, sing to and rock your baby as much as you can. A lot of your infant’s development depends on his or her interaction with you. Every touch stimulates the baby’s brain. Always check your baby when he or she seems uncomfortable, to make sure the infant is not too hot, too cold, hungry, wet or needs to burp. Give your child the benefit of the doubt and do not worry about “spoiling.” Try to spend time nurturing your baby when the infant is quiet, happy and alert, instead of waiting for him or her to cry and fuss for attention. Make sure that your baby gets adequate rest. Take the phone off the hook and nap when the baby naps. Encourage dad and other family members to help care for the infant. Keep in contact with friends and relatives. Go for a daily walk with the baby for fresh air.
Infants (birth to age 1) need:
protection from physical danger
proper nutrition & health care
adults with whom to form attachments and whom provide secure environment
adults who can understand and respond to their signals
things to look at, touch, hear, smell, and taste
opportunities to explore the world
appropriate language stimulation